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Woodstock District 200

Sangamon County judge says emergency COVID rules were improper; state appealing order

Capitol News Illinois
phancock@capitolnewsillinois.comSPRINGFIELD – Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul and Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s administration are asking a state appellate court to set aside a lower court order from […]

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Teaching kids they can do hard things

I want to address what some parents said at a recent District 200 Board of Education meeting about why they don’t want their children to have to wear masks in […]

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McHenry County follows federal, state guidance for COVID-19 protocols in schools

Staff Reportnews@thewoodstockindependent.comThe McHenry County Department of Health has adopted the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionand Illinois Department of Public Health school guidance recommendations – masking for the vaccinated and unvaccinated, both students […]

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Top Writers

Picture of Larry Lough

Larry Lough

Larry Lough is editor of The Independent and reports local news.

Picture of Janet Dovidio

Janet Dovidio

Janet Dovidio has been a freelance correspondent for The Independent for eight years.

Picture of Susan W. Murray

Susan W. Murray

Susan W. Murray wrote for The Independent, covering various beats, from 2005 to 2008.

Picture of Tricia Carzoli

Tricia Carzoli

Tricia Carzoli is a freelance writer and photographer that on community news.

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By Larry Lough news@the woodstockindependent.comImagine Route 47 with four lanes of new pavement from U.S. 14 to Route 120, enhanced lighting at inter…
By Susan W. Murraynews@the woodstockindependent.comAbout three dozen people formed the early bird group as the Opera House opened its doors at 5 p.m. …

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