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Dry weather challenges local farmers, gardeners

By Morgen Neuhausernews@the Woodstock, along with much of Illinois, has been classified as “abnormally dry” by the National Integrated Drought Information System. That is a classification used to describe areas […]

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Prolonged drought brings local water restrictions

With northeast Illinois suffering a severe drought, Woodstock city officials have enacted a “mandatory” restriction on outside water use, the second of four levels of restrictions.Depending one the last digit […]

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Top Writers

Picture of Larry Lough

Larry Lough

Larry Lough is editor of The Independent and reports local news.

Picture of Janet Dovidio

Janet Dovidio

Janet Dovidio has been a freelance correspondent for The Independent for eight years.

Picture of Susan W. Murray

Susan W. Murray

Susan W. Murray wrote for The Independent, covering various beats, from 2005 to 2008.

Picture of Tricia Carzoli

Tricia Carzoli

Tricia Carzoli is a freelance writer and photographer that on community news.

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