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Police must focus on dangerous criminal activity

We assume common sense will prevail if federal authorities try to involve local police in any immigration enforcement operations in Woodstock.Despite some federal officials’ characterizations of immigrants as rapists and […]

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Time to let folks know you’re from Woodstock

How do people know you’re from Woodstock?Well, for one thing, you and your neighbors celebrate/observe Groundhog Day for the better part of a month around a four-day festival (Jan. 30 […]

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Walking part of city plan, should be priority

In a recent edition of The Independent, a letter to the editor urged, “Let’s make Woodstock a safe walking community.”While the writer’s specific concern was the bizarre intersection of Throop […]

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Loyal readers also good voters

Thank you for voting. You did vote in the primary election, didn’t you – early, by mail, or in-person on March 19?Even if you didn’t have a lot of decisions […]

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Top Writers

Picture of Larry Lough

Larry Lough

Larry Lough is editor of The Independent and reports local news.

Picture of Janet Dovidio

Janet Dovidio

Janet Dovidio has been a freelance correspondent for The Independent for eight years.

Picture of Susan W. Murray

Susan W. Murray

Susan W. Murray wrote for The Independent, covering various beats, from 2005 to 2008.

Picture of Tricia Carzoli

Tricia Carzoli

Tricia Carzoli is a freelance writer and photographer that on community news.

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