Trust the Torch!

Independent PHOTO by Vicky long
The Woodstock Dolphins championship team competed at regionals and sectionals, while three of the athletes advanced to state.
By Sandy KucharskiSandy@thewoodstockindependent.comHard work throughout the winter season has produced exciting results for the Woodstock Dolphins Swim Team. Eleven athletes represent the Dolphins on the championship team, with three individuals […] Subscribe or Login to continue reading this quality article by The Woodstock Inde…
Independent file photo
Former Woodstock High School coach Jim Patton is pictured in action in 1994.
WHS Coach Jim Patton is remembered for inspiring athletes inside and outBy Sandy Kucharskisandy@thewoodstockindependent.comThe close of the 2024-25 wrestling season is a fitting time to remember and pay tribute to […] Subscribe or Login to continue reading this quality article by The Woodstock Independent …
17-year-old will compete in Dublin next month at the Irish Dancing World ChampionshipBy Susan W. Murraynews@thewoodstockindependent.comThe only time that Maeve Gross wanted to quit Irish Dancing was after her first […] Subscribe or Login to continue reading this quality article by The Woodstock Independent …
Liquid Blues celebrates 25 years, debuts Kitchen UndergroundBy Susan W.“It hasn’t changed in 25 years,” said Jim Bykowski II, owner of Liquid Blues.While that’s not exactly true, it’s fair […] Subscribe or Login to continue reading this quality article by The Woodstock Independent …
independent photo by andrew  rousey
The living room artwork behind her expressing the family’s love for Ireland, Maeve Gross explains the reason behind the wigs that Irish Dancers wear.
17-year-old will compete in Dublin next month at the Irish Dancing World Championship By Susan W. Murray The only time that Maeve Gross wanted to quit Irish D…
courtesy photo
Author Jay Bonansinga, author of “The Killer’s Game,” will share his book-to-movie saga at the Woodstock Opera House on March 20.
Author to share his 30-year journey from book to movieBy Eileen Millardnews@thewoodstockindependent.comWhat’s it like to have a great idea for a book, get a movie deal before you’ve even finished [&he…
By TRICIA CARZOLIA fun night of entertainment at the packed Woodstock North auditorium saw Bryce Allin, Sean Fiorina, Alex Flores, Sam Foster, Jakob Idle, William Noe, Dominion Okwong, Grant Schnulle,…
By Janet Dovidionews@thewoodstockindependent.comJacob Kagan is the most recent Boy Scout from Troop 159 to complete the requirements and earn the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Scouting. To …
Independent Photo by Tricia Carzoli
All juniors, Sabrina Noon, Colin Zecchin, and Connor Truckenbrod play, respectively, Katherine Plumber, Jack Kelly, and Davey Jacobs.
Directors praise students’ connections in preparing for four presentationsBy Tricia Carzolinews@thewoodstockindependent.comA perfect mix of students a…
Illinois Commerce Commission Chair Doug Scott presides over a commission meeting in Chicago in late January. (Capitol News Illinois photo by Andrew Adams)
 By ANDREW ADAMSCapitol News Illinoisaadams@capitolnewsillinois.comCHICAGO — State regulators are again considering massive electric utility spending plans that would affect the state’s climate goals – and 5.4 million electric customers’ monthly […] Subscribe or Login to continue reading this quality article by The Woodstock Inde…
Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza – the state’s chief financial officer – is swarmed by reporters for her reaction to Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s proposed budget moments after leaving the House of Representatives chambers. (Capitol News Illinois photo by Andrew Adams)
By ALEX ABBEDUTO, COLE LONGCOR  and JERRY NOWICKICapitol News Illinoisnews@capitolnewsillinois.comSPRINGFIELD – The annual process of negotiating the state budget kicked off Wednesday with Gov. J.B. Pritzker proposing a $52.7 billion […] Subscribe or Login to continue reading this quality article by The Woodstock Independent …

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Independent photo by andrew rousey
Jim Bykowski stands behind the bar at Liquid Blues, known for its 1970s décor and laid-back vibe. “Twenty-five years later, it seems to still be working,” Bykowski said.
Liquid Blues celebrates 25 years, debuts Kitchen Underground By Susan W. Murray “It hasn’t changed in 25 years,” said Jim Bykowski II, owner of Liquid Blues. …
Independent  Photo by Andrew Rousey
At the beginning of February, Woodstock resident Monica Roman opened Roman Seguros y mas (Roman Insurance and more) at 144 Washington St., offering insurance and financial services. Roman’s office serves both English- and Spanish-speaking clients.
Roman Seguros y mas opens on Washington in former Ehrke’s buildingBy Susan W. Murraynews@thewoodstockindependent.comThe reason that Monica Roman opened her own business to offer insurance and financia…
Independent  photo by Andrew Rousey
Houston Crigler took over in January as the owner/operator of the Woodstock Culver’s. “We put a lot of emphasis on the interaction between the team and the guest,” Crigler said. He hopes the restaurant will become more active in the community with additional “Share Nights” with local schools, teams, and organizations.
New ownership, openings, and expanded services dominate the newsBy Susan W. Murraynews@thewoodstockindependent.comThe Quality Inn, at 1785 S. Eastwood Drive, sold in late December for $2.2 million to …

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Marian Central Catholic High School students attend the Model UN  conference in Chicago. 
By Tricia Carzolinews@thewoodstockindependent.comMarian Central Catholic High School Model United Nations club, formally known as the Diplomatic Affairs Delegation, has given hundreds of students a la…
D-200 courtesy photo
During staff recognition at the Feb. 25 Board of Education meeting, Dean Street Elementary School staff members were honored for their exceptional efforts in their jobs. Pictured (from left) are third-grader Koa Schmarje; third-grade teacher Allison Mueller; principal Marivi Galera; attendance secretary Jane Britton; and first-grader Armando Zamudio.
Additional competition area is for field eventsBy Eileen Millardnews@the woodstockindependent.comThe D-200 School Board last week approved an $88,000 change order to the existing $886,113.25 contract …
Independent PHOTO by Vicky long
The Woodstock Dolphins championship team competed at regionals and sectionals, while three of the athletes advanced to state.
By Sandy Kucharski Hard work throughout the winter season has produced exciting results for the Woodstock Dolphins Swim Team. Eleven athletes represent the Dolp…

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